Tuesday 9 May 2017

The Average Adult Dog has 42 Teeth!!!

Of the large number of features within the Huds and Toke Gourmet Pet Treats, lets simply address one at a time?
Lets look at the Density, or Hardness feature and understand why this is important?
 Gourmet Dog Treats Australian made.
Firstly, allow me draw your attention to the very fact that all of our gourmet baked pet treats are designed specifically for the type of animal they are targeted at.
So Horse Treats are designed for Horses; Dog Treats designed for dogs; Guinea Pig and Rabbit Treats are designed for them as are Chicken Treats for Chooks and Cat Treats for Cats.
With this in mind, one needs to understand that each of these animals have differing requirements. Hence the difference is Pet Treat texture, ingredients, hardness, thickness, shape, tastes etc…
We can’t discuss them all here now however lets start with why each of our Pet Treats have a certain
density, or hardness!
All the Huds and Toke Gourmet Dog Treats have been designed and formulated with the needs of dogs in mind.
So what does this mean?
Well, lets just take a quick look at a dogs jaw shall we?
 Gourmet Dog Treats by Huds and Toke

Dogs use their Jaws like we use our hands. Needless to say, they use them a lot.  Not just for eating.
They use their mouth for:
  • complex social behaviour between each other
  • for grooming themselves
  • removing objects like prickles
  • Carrying objects such as Puppies, Bones, toys etc...
  • and of course, EATING ……….. just to name a few functions……
An adult dog has about 42 teeth. 22 in the bottom Jaw and 20 in the top Jaw……..
The Canine teeth, apart from other functions, help form a cradle for the dog’s tongue. Hence help keep their tongue in place, as per an article in the Daily Dog Discoveries.
So as you can see, a dogs mouth is really complex….. and one needs to understand this when designing pet products!
As such, it's super important they look after their teeth, gums and jaw………..
AND we're NOT even discussing Nutrition in this article.......  That's a whole other subject to consider!!!

 Dogs go crazy for Huds and Toke Gourmet Pet Treats

So there needs to be a lot of thought and effort to go into designing Gourmet Dog Treats.
That’s why we set up our own factory. So we can control exactly what goes into our treats and how they look and feel.
That is the problem with some contract factories. They have a specific recipe list and will only make to that recipe.
Because of this, some of the so-called gourmet treats out there are made with human dough. Which is vastly different to the dough designed specifically for dogs.
To illustrate this, a biscuit made for humans is made purely for taste and consumption with a goal to get you eating more and more as quickly as possible.
Hence the reason a lot of fat and sugar is added and then made in a way which incorporates a lot of air within the biscuit. Thus, the biscuit tastes amazing, but almost evaporates in your mouth with one bite…..which in turn leaves you yearning for more!
Conversely, when we think about a Gourmet Dog Treat, we don’t want those same properties.
Although our Treats look as good as, or if not better than, a human treat, we don’t want the same outcome.
 Gourmet Pet Treats that look good enough for humans!
What we want, is for a dog to enjoy the treat for a certain time. We want your puppy to enjoy the challenge of using their incredibly strong jaws and teeth!
We also want the pet treat to help benefit the gum and teeth whilst at the same time we want the treat to have some positive health outcomes. Thus, we DO NOT want sugar, fats, and artificial preservatives just for taste.
Another thing to consider when designing treats is the anatomy of a dog. They want to use their jaws and teeth. It’s in their nature…….
Hence why we design our gourmet dog treats to be quite hard.
Because they need to be a bit of a challenge to the dog, and because we DO NOT want the dog to inhale it at once.
This can cause respiratory issues plus they will not get the full enjoyment of a Gourmet Dog Treat.
Now just remember, we are talking about Gourmet Puppy Treats here. 
Dog training Treats are a different product designed for a completely different reason. As is a boredom busting treat, and a Dental Chew Treat.
So stay with me on the Gourmet Baked dog treat…..  We will discuss those other treats at a later date!
The Huds and Toke Gourmet Baked Treats are supposed to be quite hard because of two main reasons.
  • You will feed it to a pet dog who wants to use their jaws and teeth.
  • Your puppy is not a human. I know they are part of the family….. but they are not human.
There is another dynamic here to consider as well! 
And that’s you! The dog owner. 
We truly want to help Create Awesome Memories with your favourite pet. And that can only come from your pooch truly enjoying the moment.
Our aim is to slow it down a tad, so that you also get a moment with them as well, and to share that moment and enhance your bond.
With this in mind though, it is a fine balancing act between being too hard and too soft. We want them to truly enjoy the moment with their goody by spending a bit of time crunching it up. Yet we don’t want it too hard that they can’t eat it.
That’s why most of our dog biscuits are made firm, dense, and yet still easy to eat; especially once they get in their mouth. They do soften gradually so that any aged dog, or size, can enjoy.
So next time you buy a Gourmet Dog Treat…..or any dog treat for that matter……….hell, any Pet Treat at all, just remember, if you buy them from artisans, or specialists, such as Huds and Toke, remember that there is a whole lot more that goes into them….. and that buying from someone like this is far more likely to guarantee that the product you are buying is specifically designed for your pet.
I hope this has shed some light on just one of the aspects of our Gourmet Dog Treats.
Have a great week from all the team @ Huds and Toke..........Remember, share those memories with us by sending us, or tagging us, in your photos.
 Australian made Gourmet Pet Treats

Sunday 7 May 2017

Huds and Toke Wins Award!!!

Recently the Huds and Toke Team were honoured to win a prestigious business award sponsored by the Westpac Banking organisation.
Huds and Toke were one of the winners of “The Businesses of Tomorrow” Award.
The award was for recognising Businesses that are shaping Australia’s Future – in ways big or small!
The team at Huds and Toke have worked so hard to design, create and manufacture the Highest quality Gourmet Pet Products that Australia has to offer!
Receiving this award was a great honour from a business in Regional Queensland and it gave our team a really proud moment with an enormous boost of encouragement.
The awards evening was a wonderful event.
 Huds and Toke Gourmet Dog Treat Owner Russell Gibbons

However awards such as these, as wonderful as they are to receive, are only possible when there is a whole dedicated, and dynamic, and passionate team driving the whole business.
For that, I would like to thank the whole Huds and Toke team. They know who they are and I know they are as proud as I am to receive such a wonderful award.
 Huds and Toke Gourmet Pet Treats strive to make a difference
The event was also a great opportunity to mix and mingle with many other sophisticated, and inspirational business owners which in turn provides inspiration for us, the Huds and Toke team, to continue pushing the boundaries within our industry and create better and more innovative, awesome, gourmet Treats for all of the Pets of Australia and the world!!!
Thank-you to all of our loyal customers as well.
Without you, this is simply a dream. 
So have no fear, because of you, we will continue to strive to be better and provide you and your pets the Gourmet Pet Treats to help “Create Awesome Memories” with the pets we love in our lives.
Thanks for your support.  Thank-you to our dedicated team.
Join our family...........send us your photos.

Monday 6 March 2017


Can you believe it is Now Autumn?
With this in mind there are Two things we need to get ready for…….

1. EASTER IS FAST APPROACHING (check out our Easter Range here)

 Gourmet Easter Dog Treats Australian made


 Australian Made Designer Dog Coats

In our little family, we have two dogs. Both of them are Arctic breeds so they don’t really need warm clothing…….BUT, dogs still need to have style!
We all know how we react when we see a stranger’s dog dressed in a super stylish coat go by!
We first have a little snicker….. but that’s the jealousy emotion trying to mask itself……….Then we openly recognise how super cute that puppy is……..THEN, we think about that stylish pooch for the rest of the day!!!!
Well…….. now’s the time to get your own pooch styled up and ready for everyone ogling this year rather than us doing the ogling!!!!
This is Pepper. We have her dressed in this awesome coat made by the All Australian Owned and manufactured business of Owen & Edwin.
She looks awesome doesn’t she…….plus, she is protected from the winter wet rain.

You see, just because she is an arctic breed, doesn’t mean they are used to the cold and nor does it mean that they don’t feel the cold if they get wet!

More importantly, she looks super stylish!

But If you want to take a closer look and delver a little deeper into wearable coats for dogs, Click on this link and take a look at some of our thoughts?

 Huds and Toke thinks about style as well

Remember, these reasons also apply to other pets such as horses etc..... 
 Gourmet Horse Treats work will with Stylish Horse Rugs.

 The colder months are almost upon us so it pays to take a small amount of time to think about the comfort of our pets and get prepared!
Have a great day from the Team @ Huds and Toke.

PS: Please feel free to post a review on one of these review sites…….we appreciate the thought and it all helps. Thanks.

Sunday 26 February 2017

Keep Your Pets Safe at Night with Pet Treats

Your Pet Dogs, and Pet Cats, have a tendency to want to "Explore" once our lights go out and our heads hit the pillow!!!  Don't think for a second that, just because the look like they are asleep....they'll stay that way!!!

Huds and Toke Pet Treats

But little do they know, or understand, once they work out how to leave the safety of their yard, their life is at risk......And this risk is high!
There are a number of reasons your pets want to "explore" beyond their boundaries.  The main ones are below:
  • Bored.
  • Prey Driven.  
  • Looking for Romance.
  • Lonely.
  • Excess Energy just wanting to explode!
Now this might seem like a simple issue, but lets just take a look from another angle shall we???
Twenty eight percent of dog owners have two dogs and fifty two percent of cat owners own more than one cat.
Dog owners spend an average of $248 a year on veterinary visits while cat owners spend slightly less than $219 a year. 
Add in an estimated $400-$500 a year in food for the pets and the sizeable veterinary investment coupled with other expenses and that comes close to $1000 a year.
That doesn't begin to count the amount of money that people spend on boarding, grooming, training and other expenses.
With that amount of money spent on a pet, maybe then you can see why pet safety is such a huge issue.
The real reason that people become so attached to their pets is because they've become part of the family.
They provide companionship especially to elderly people. As the saying goes, dogs are often considered man's best friend. People will do anything for their pets.
But when it comes to pet safety they get a little careless. Some people let their dogs and cats run around loose and that's when accidents happen.
To put this into perspective, according to "The Pets Tech" website in the US, "approximately 1.2 million dogs are killed on the roads each year. The number of cats killed on the roads in the US every year is much higher at an approximation of 5.4 million."
The exact number of dogs and cats that get killed at night by cars in Australia is unknown, however one would suspect that the ratios in the US would be similar in Australia per pet population!
Sooooo, that means there are an awful lot of pet deaths which don't need to be.....

Native Wildlife mattersNot only that, both Pet Cats, and Pet Dogs, can wreak havoc upon native wildlife when left outside to roam beyond the limits of your yard!!!
And that means loads of unnecessary native animal deaths as well!!!!!
OK.... So now that we can understand the scale of the problem, how can we help (The below is the same for both Cats and Dogs)???
Bored - 
Make sure you give them some entertainment such as long lasting Pet Treats.
Alternatively, give them a toy which dispenses Pet Treats as well???  Or, simply give them a toy to play with.
Cats Treats as well as Dog Treats.
Prey Driven - 
Hide some tasty Gourmet Pet Treats around the garden for them.  They will spend their time sniffing out the goodies rather than hunting for native animals in your  yard or trying to get out of your yard to go hunting elsewhere.....
Alternatively, they could be simply hungry and that's why they are on the hunt!  Treats will help with this as well!
Looking for Romance -
You can either get your pet de-sexed by a Vet.  Or keep them locked inside or chained up at night.
Lonely -
Allow them to sleep inside with you so they are aware that they are not alone.......  OR, as is what tends to happen in our house, it's the perfect excuse to "get another pet daddy so they are lonely!!!"
Excess Energy -
Perhaps you need to change your exercise habits and either do more exercise with your pet or change the time.  Maybe afternoon instead of morning so they enter the evening with less energy?
Or change the amount, or type, of food you are feeding them. 
The next part of the solution is to think about what happens if you do all this and they still end up getting out!  Because lets face, accidents happen and no one is to blame.
But......if it does happen, how can we mitigate the risk to them?
One of the best ways that you can prevent a tragedy, and keep your pet safe at night is with a Pet Safety Light.
It clips to a collar, leash or harness and runs on three lithium cell batteries. Pet safety lights are waterproof and weatherproof so can be used in any type of weather conditions. 
As a side note, they can be used on children too as a safety tool....... I've done it when camping with the little ones.....if they wander off into the bush, easy to see the little ratbags!!!
You could also try placing a small bell on the collar of your cat, or dog, as another option. 
Cat Treats
This way, unsuspecting wildlife, or prey, gets a heads up and a sporting chance of survival but you can also here them in the dark if they happen to get out!!! 
So you get to find them a lot quicker to prevent a road accident or something else untoward.
Or better yet........Ensure they are tied up securely at night or locked inside with you!
Don't let your pet become a statistic. If you love your pet, take some precautions with it at night and keep it safe.
Hope this gives you something to ponder over.  At Huds and Toke, we hate the thought that anything bad can happen to your fur babies.
Remember, we have the pet treats that can help......  And not all treats are the same.  So feel free to ask for advice.
Keep those pets safe and all the best from the team @ Huds and Toke.

Gourmet Pet Treats